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Throughout this year we used Code.org to teach us lessons in Web Development. Here are summaries of each unit we went through.

This unit explores the technical challenges and questions that arise from the need to represent digital information in computers. Learn how complex information like numbers, text, images, and sound are represented in text, how compression works, and the broader social impacts of digitizing the world's information.

Digital Information

Below is the code for used to create the card.
This unit reveals how the Internet was designed to connect billions of devices and people to one another. Learn how the different protocols of the Internet work and actually build them yourself using the Internet Simulator. Then consider the impacts the Internet has had, both good and bad, on modern life.

The Internet

Below is the code used to make the project:
This unit is an introduction to programming and app design with a heavy focus on important skills like debugging, pair programming, and user testing. Learn how to design user interfaces and write event-driven programs in App Lab and then design a project that teaches your classmates about a topic of your choosing.

Intro to App Design

Below is the code used to make the project:
This unit explores how variables, conditionals, and functions allow for the design of increasingly complex apps. Learn how to program with these three new concepts through a sequence of collaborative activities. Then build your own decision maker app to share with friends and help them make a decision.

Variables, Conditionals, and Functions

Below is the code used to make the project:
This unit introduces lists, loops, and traversals, and explores the way they can be used to build apps that store and process large amounts of information. Learn to program with the data library in App Lab and complete a 5-day hackathon project at the end of the unit where you can design a program about any topic of your choosing.

List, Loops, and Traversals

Below is the code used to make the project:
This unit is a quick exploration of how computer scientists design algorithms to solve problems and how they analyze the speed of different algorithms. Learn about the concept of algorithmic efficiency through a variety of hands-on activities and learn how it's being applied in modern computing.


Below is the code used to make the project:
This unit introduces parameters, return, and libraries. Learn how to use these concepts to build new kinds of apps as well as libraries of code that you can share with your classmates. End the unit by designing a library of functions around any topic of your choosing.

Parameters, Return, and Libraries

Below is the code used to make the project:
This website is an overview of a majority of HTML and CSS tags and attributes that we learnt throughout the year.


Below is the code used to make the project: