Thomas A. Edison high school

web development


Sol pulido

Lab #7
my personal web page
a photo of me
hello this is me and i´m here to present myself and how my journey as a web development has been so far.

My journey in web development started on september/08/2022 on period 7-8.

I met Mr.Ramirez and my classmates. I didn't know much about web development. It was something new and interesting that caught my attention. It seemed fun but challenging and it is now that I'm actually experiencing this class.

I overcame my challenges with patience and paying attention so I wouldn't get lost on how to do certain things in the computer and also trying to keep in mind the codes that are required and mostly the ones that are most important like the ones that will give you access to create the website.

There has been coding, and binary codes, black and white images, creating websites, tables, favicons and now webpages. but there's still much to do and maybe in a future this will became a hobby or even a future work that i will love to work on.

binary numbers http/webs

thank you!i hope you enjoy my web page.