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Thomas A Edison CTE High School

Web Development

October 6, 2022

Done by:Jaunel Deans, Sol Pulido

Mushroom Squad's Homepage
group pic
Sol on the left and Jaunel on the right.

Hello and welcome to the Mushroom Squad's page. We are in Ms.Ramirez's Web Development class from Period 7 - 8. Our mission is to make a positive impact on the ever moderizing world through coding, communication and to build deeper connections with the people around us. We enjoy Web Developing, getting to know the backbone of the internet and how we can use it to our advantage to get our truth out into the world. If you want to get to know us more click the links below and enjoy knowing just a little more about the members of the Mushroom Squad.

Jaunel's Personal Page
Sol's Personal Page
sol's fake news
Jaunel's Fake News