Add new link to this files as you complete a DOMAIN
this page uses Bootstrap to styles
Domain 1:
About metadata, how to write JavaScript alerts.
Domain 2:
Intro to CSS
Domain 3:
How to create a form in a webpage
Domain 4:
How to embed Media into a website
Domain 5:
Deeper Dive into CSS
Domain 6:
Question/ Notes
USE this section to take note or write questions
External: a style sheet that is created as a separate file and then applied
to some or all pages in a website.
• Internal: a style sheet that is created and applied to a single webpage.
• Inline: a style applied directly to an HTML tag on a webpage.
Inline > Internal > external
One may want to create select areas or hyperlinks within an image on a
webpage. One can do so by using the map tag in conjunction with the area tag.
The map tag creates an image map that links to an image, while the area tag
defines the different areas within the image map. A map tag requires that the
image on a webpage includes a selectable area, otherwise no change is applied
to the webpage.
This is the first of several projects in a row that will focus on form building. The first two concepts to cover are action attributes and method attributes. An action attribute references webpages or scripts that process information to a database. The method attribute will determine what type of action the form will take when it is submitted.
There are four types of submission methods:
- GET: A request to retrieve data
- POST: A request to modify data on a server
- PUT: A request to add data to a database
- DELETE: A request to remove information from a database
These attributes are part of the main tag of a form, which is the form tag.
Put the text in the button tag.
For a submit button add a value.
option (optgroup) tags take individual option tags and group them in similar
groups to make options easy to read.
The fieldset tag allows a user to group fields on a form to make the form userfriendly. A fieldset defines a box around a set of fields. A fieldset tag also
requires a legend tag, which represents the name of the fieldset.
Relative positioning of an element
positions it offset relative to where the normal position was and is not an exact
set location. Relative positioning does not otherwise change the overall flow of
Absolute positioning of an element will position it exactly in the location placed
in the code. Absolute positioning will change the flow of elements below it if
they are not also absolutely positioned. Absolute positioning will give you the
most control of elements in
max-width > width
. Fixed positioning is like absolute positioning in that it removes the
element from the natural flow of the page. The difference is that absolute
positioning positions an element based on its parent element, whereas an
element that has a position of fixed is positioned absolutely in relation to the
browser window.
Block elements render the full width of a page and
will always render on their own lines. Inline elements take up the necessary
space and can position themselves alongside other elements.
One can use the line-height property to add space between separate lines of
text within the same element. The line-height property sets the height of
individual lines within an element. The line-height property can be set using
several different units, including pixels, centimeters, percentages, and more.
Word-wrap is a CSS property that tells the browser how to display long words
that overextend their parent element.
Letter spacing sets to the space between characters in a word. Word spacing
sets the space between words.
There are several different units of measure that can be used for sizing. Many of
these have already been seen in this course. Here is a recap of units of measure
and their uses:
- em: A relative measurement equivalent to the font size being used. For example, 3em = 3 x the size of the current font.
- ex: A measurement relative to the height of the letter x
- px: Technically, a measurement that is 1/96” of an inch but can vary based on screen
- pt: A measurement that is 1/72 of an inch
- cm: A centimeter
- in: An inch
- mm: A millimeter